Tower Unite Dev Stream 2/05/2016 Q&A Thread

##This thread is a continuation of the Q&A segment in our development stream.
We can’t answer all of the questions we get during the stream, so if we missed your question, post it here!

Will there be whitelisted workshop items? Like maps and such?

Will the mock GMT to TU transfer still be happening?

Also will you be able to microwave your phone in TU?

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Will there be a way for users to create custom gamemode maps and allow use to test it before using it ingame? if so what tools/models will be provided like gmt mapping guides?

Will there be CondOS? 2nd question: Will it include a media player if is there?

Why was the Linux logo removed from the stream banner?

Will you be able to talk to individuals on how you achieved certain in-game effects in UE4. An example being (In Foohy’s video from GMT on Source) The moving “Scale” or line bars on the ceiling of The Pulse Club.

Link to video:

Im asking because I still havent seen the club in TU yet (other than whats from the trailer, and you said you were still working on it)


It’s an old image.

Yes, I mentioned it on the stream, but yes.

Not sure.

Eventually, yes. We will detail all this, including documentation.

Yes, we’re working on the CondoOS. Yes, just like GMT.

It wasn’t removed, it just was never added. Linux support is still happening after Early Access.

Not sure what you mean by that. Can you clarify?

Like custom maps and possibly player models specifically. Something that doesn’t alter game play too much.