Tower hasn't worked for a while

The only things that are constant (that I know) is OS, windows 10 (windows 8 server for GeForce Now) and that I am using Intel Cpu’s and Nvidia graphics.

Hmm, I’ve been thinking on it throughout the day and I’m at a loss as to what it could be. I’ll try to keep my eye open for anything odd, and possibly try loading the menu with the debugger detached to see if I can spot something potentially problematic. If I do find something I’ll add a reply here.

Likewise if you notice something new, or it works after changing something, please let me know as even if it’s working it could still be a problem for other users and knowing what you changed may help me find it.

Have you tried running TU on another PC?
You may want to reinstall windows.

I have tried on about 10 ish computers and 15 ish Windows installs with no avail on any of them. The only similarity between all of the computers is that they run Nvidia Gpus and Intel CPUs.

Try logging in your steam account to a PC that has TU already installed (installed under another steam account) and play TU, we need to confirm that this isn’t an account thing

Ok, will do later today.