Toggle-able head tracking for Condo NPCs

It probably already is in the work, but basically make that option togglable instead of always have them stare at you

Additionally, being able to tweak radius, how close before they start looking

This might also count as a bug report, but the tracking also seems to only work on workshop models, it’s not active on default models
And when it takes different poses, (mostly seated) their head will be leaning too low, looking at the floor instead of looking in the eyes

Lastly, the plaza’s NPCs could have their tracking detection radius limited their store’s boundaries, that’s pretty uncanny to see them stare even if you’re far away from them

I would especially recommend this as an accessibility feature for those with scopophobia.


On that note, it’d be nice to toggle plaza NPCs staring you down. Eye-contact is bad enough as is, but the unblinking gaze wigs me out big-time.

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Very unsettling


Seeing your weapon, I’d say he just want some fresh snowballs shot from that RPG.

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They should not remove the range fall-off from him specifically, this is absolutely in character.


Okay, honestly very true