Ticket vendor

I don’t know if this was said or if this is a thing already in progress or not because i didn’t see it, but since there’s an arcade, Why not have a ticket vendor for it, so instead of buying plushies from the store you can win them from gaining tickets, maybe water guns or special hats too just some special things that you can’t get elsewhere.

It’s just an idea, and again i wasn’t sure if it was already a thing or not so i had to try. :scream_cat:

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I think they said the arcade would pay out tickets that you could use to redeem stuff from the arcade
Don’t quote me on that though

Hopefully they implement this. It seems like a pretty neat feature and would actually encourage people to play the arcade games more.

Found here. I think that’s the only place any dev has said anything about it, though, so it would be easy to miss.

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Ah okay, thanks m8, I was sure it was already said, but trucker told me to say it anyway :scream_cat: