Tick box to swap between New and Old LC when making a game

Some people really like new LC. Others have lots of problems with it and want to revert back to pre LC because of many new issues including (but not limited to)

  • The Dragon is able to airstrafe across the entire map while flying at lightning speeds and is able to instantly kill a crusader at the start of a round.

  • Button hitbox is way too big and you can kill the dragon while under them or to the side of them

  • Jumping over the dragon is far too easy and the game just devolves into a competition of who can crouch jump over the dragon the fastest.

Nobody can really agree on which version is better, so why not compromise and add a “Classic Mode” tick box like the friends only button when making a game. When you make a game with the “Classic Mode” button ticked, it reverts all of the LC changes and goes back to classic/old LC.

Or we move forward and solve issues that come up.


This would be a good compromise until the new LC gets better though.

It would take longer to go back and add a toggle than to go forward.

Yeah adding a feature like this is pretty complicated and sort of unnecessary imo.


I guess, I just like the old LC better. I’m sure the new LC will improve into something everybody could enjoy soon, though.

The new LC is a joke now and I agree pretty much everything that’s said by the original post.
Tower Unite has always been good at keeping things that were liked by many and not force new things that the developers think it’s good.
I hope we can play the old LC.

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I’ve explained this in the Discord, but I’ll make it more clear here. Things will get changed, sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t. The only way to continue is to go forward. It’s easy to make changes and improve on what we have.

The main core issues with Little Crusaders still are bite prediction, button prediction, and dragon rotation issues, which are being resolved as I type.

As for the new complaints about the current version, that’s also being addressed and looked into. Making a classic mode would take longer for us to make and also makes it so we can’t move forward or make changes to the game ever. This is not a good practice. Things have to be updated and improved on or we’ll always have the same version of the game.