This is robbery!

so one day the entire TU forum walks into a bank and see’s this:

“stick em up! I want all the units you got! and maybe some catsacks!”

How do you respond?


I have 98 catsacks I don’t want so take them, but, you’re not getting my cash.

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“fuck your dog treats! get on the ground or I shoot you!”


Points to somewhere else shouting “Squirrel!”

Don’t shoot, i got a family.

kill me fam

Shit am you alrigt’?

“squirrel! where!”
his gaze is diverted!

Let’s tackle him.

(Proceeds to Tackle)

turns around “there was no squirrel!”

oh heck you angered him into maximum borkdrive! GET DOWN!

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Shoot! I thought the Squirrel Trick from UP would work!

So much for that plan.

grabs heavysteam
“I got a hostage! I want 10,000,000 units in an hour or he gets it!”

Guys im not worth that much, but please do pay that amount.

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(Shoot! I only have 600000, What do I do?)
(Proceeds to Wheel of Money and attempts to win Jackpot)


Shoot Darn and Blast! THIS WHEEL IS RIGGED! Ok. 1 more shot. (Wins Jackpot) WOO!!!

but how much ya got?

The jackpot on average is only like 3 mill you fool.