Theater: Need ability to adjust vote ratio

For the msot part it’s fine, but well all know there’s always the jackasses that wanna go condo to condo messing with people. In this case, I’ve had multiple times now where 2 people were watching the theater screen, and a group of 3 or more shows up and vote skips before leaving the condo, ruining the other 2 players’ experience, since the ratio is hard coded to 66%.

Media players have a vote skip ratio setting. Is there a media player that doesn’t have one you are referring to?

theater condo, also resort. The built in movie screens that auto play don’t allow any settings editing.

I’ve updated the built-in screens so you can adjust their settings, just like a normal item.

I’ve also updated Resort to use the new theater screen system, so you can add playlists to them now.

Will be part of the next update.