The Village (WIP)

Normally, when it comes to condos, I normally use one of the ones that’s already been made such as the Default and the Villa condos (although I’ve build basic rooms under maps). However, I decided to try something different, so I decided to build a house from scratch (not my actual house) using canvas cubes.
The map I used for this particular build is Smooth Autumn.

The interior

Detail was also done with the chimney pots

After completing the houses, I decided to build a blacksmith’s shop.

I also included the bucket of water.


This is what the house design is based on (similar) - a 1930s semi-detached house that’s found throughout the the suburban estates in the UK.


I could only aspire to do great things like this, this is absolutely stunning!

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So cleannn

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sooo prettyyyyyy~ ^o^

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Wow :smiley:

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Holy hell. You definitely gotta upload this to the Workshop. This is absolutely incredible.

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Thanks. But I know that I’m a long way from done, I might make a few more houses and stuff in the future. :slight_smile:

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It may have been over a year since I did work on this, but I’ve decided to do some more work - for now. The main thing I’ve been working on is the church.

The Church

The southern side of the church looking up at the tower and spire.

The entrance.

The interior - looking towards the font.

The aisle.

The altar with a stained-glass window (also faces east).

The bell tower - you can also ring the bells too.

Some graves on the southern side.

There’s more graves to the northern side.

Even more graves

The House

The house next to the church (old screenshot as this was before I placed the window frames in).

A 32:9 shot looking over the roof of the hous towards the church.

A redesigned version of a chimney pot with smoke coming out of it.

Other features

Redone the chimney pots on the house in my previous post and I’m NGL, I am really impressed with the overall result. :slight_smile: There’s one that’s capped off to the back.

Some chimney pots have been used as planters as shown here.

The one on the left is made up of 20 pieces (16 canvas elbows, 3 canvas walls, and 1 canvas tube). The one on the right is made up of 5 plant pots (idea from @GoopGoop), and a canvas torus.

Some power lines just outside the “village area”

Finally, a shot of the whole “village” (minus the blacksmith’s building which is behind the houses in the distance).


Made a walkway to the church. NGL, I really like this particular shot, so I gave it the 32:9 treatment!


In case anybody was wondering, the church is loosely based on a real one in a village about a mile from where I live.


This looks amazing! I love seeing the progress of this build. Very nice job. :]


A little memorial that I made near the church.


A quick video walking down the pathway towards the church which is ringing its bells and then entering it and stopping at the east-fasing window in the altar while pipe organ music can be heard.


Forgot to mention, I had also posted shots of the chimney pots (including the ones being used as “planters”. The design of them are based on ones that are seen around the UK, particularly on older buildings.

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Adding more detail such as guttering along with supporters for it.

Improvements to the overall look of the windows.

South-facing windows:

North-facing windows:

South-facing window in the altar:

Windows in the tower including a west-facing rose window.

Building a massive barn:

The interior:

The overall look of the village showing all the buildings I have made:

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More detail round the church - made a drainage channel.

Meanwhile, back in the house, I made this modern-looking fan with a light. It can be interacted with via 2 switches. One for the light, one for the fan.

It’s made entirely of canvas items and there is a total of 12 pieces.


looks amazing, keep the amazing work up!! ^o^