The new dragon bite delay feels awful

In the most recent update, the dragon’s bite delay was changed to avoid instantly killing the knight when the button was pressed. It doesn’t feel great because I only do damage now when the biting animation is finished and it doesn’t feel great. The knights are able to dodge it even faster now since they will only be killed after the biting animation is done so it doesn’t feel fair to the person controlling the dragon. I think the bite delay needs to be slightly lowered for more fairness to the dragon cause it doesn’t feel right at all right now. Thank you.

It may be because I’m so used to how it was before, but it just feels like you’re playing on a super high ping server now, even as host. Doesn’t feel super uhh responsive.

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I thought nerfing the dragon at all was kinda strange. Most LC rounds, to my experience, end with the dragon getting swarmed and beaten within half a minute


Please if you dont want to kill this already dead game mode even more remove the bite delay. No new player can play dragon, and if theres four or more knights its very very difficult to win, way more than it should be.

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This change is being reverted back to no delay in the next update.