The Forgotten Temple by PluckTheDragon (Cancelled)


First Challenge: The Beginning


Can we get a workshop upload soon?

Second Challenge: Search for Harmony

I’m having a bit of an issue while making this challenge. I’m suppose to make a lever lock where two levers can turned on the button, while the other two levers cannot.

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Chasm level

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/!\ This condo is still work in progress. Here’s the link to the condo for a preview. /!\

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In the Chasm Level, the platforms do not spawn hidden. This means that even if you do not make it through the timed door, you can still progress in this area by jumping off the stairs and onto the platforms.

Good News…

My friend @Aman-Anony helped me fixed the counter that activates the button to open the door.

Bad News…

I temporary cancelled my entire forgotten temple challenge project. I need to rest my brain cells.


If anyone can help me build this project, please let me know :frowning:

Are you having issues with IO or just the building itself?

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The IO for collecting gold bars is my answer.

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What’s the issue specifically?

No offense to Pluck, but his recent I/O suggestions give me the impression that he just doesn’t understand all of the tools currently at his disposal.

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Heya, just to let you know that I’m resuming my forgotten temple project.

First, the lever to door that contains gold bars in this room must hold the door open, which the IO doesn’t have one.

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Update (2024.10.02)


If i’m understanding this, you want the door to only open by a player using the lever, right? Setting this up is fairly simple.

  • Lock the door so players cannot open it by interacting with the door directly
  • Set the lever’s IO outputs to open/close the door when turned on/off


I have not played Minecraft while using redstone.

The lever that keeps the door open is located in a room containing gold ingots. Verified.

Additionally, I removed the triggering mechanism that was supposed to act like a pressure plate – when you step on it, it opens both doors.

Therefore, the lever must disable the door in the room where the gold ingots are supposed to be, leaving the trigger mechanism for a neighboring room’s door.

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When will we see another workshop update?

Health Update

My eyes feels itchy with allergies. I won’t continue my construction to the forgotten temple project until my eyes are fully recovered.

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Health Update

I suffered from mania. I won’t be online anytime soon.

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