The Electric Chair from Total Carnage arcade game

I found the part from the Total Carnage arcade game as the absolute worst. Once you’ve been captured by those buff guys, there’s no escape; you’ll be submit to the pain. You have to mash button like crazy in order to stay in the game. But once you’ve died in the electric chair, game over!

However, Player 1 (in this video) has two lives left, but once he died in the electric chair, all the remaining lives are gone.

I’m giving you a strawpoll survey if you survived in the electric chair or naw.

Only played the SNES port as a kid which lacked the electric chair scenes.

Probably for the best since this would’ve petrified me back then.


Damn. Two years of posting this video.

This just might be the most pointless necro I’ve ever seen. Like…just…why?