I want to preface this by saying that I adore Tower Unite. I know it may be a little harsh to come in with my first post being about this and being critical and negative, but as a devoted player I believe that I should feel free to vocalize my feelings. I’ve felt this about the arcade for a very long time, but I don’t seem to see anyone in the plaza really talking about it, they just accept how the arcade works and run with it.
For all of you arcade addicts with your Wowazela’s, I don’t mean to impede on your bragging rights by requesting that the arcade games’ payouts be seriously re-evaluated. I just think that as of right now there is a serious problem with how the arcade works, and most people I speak to tend to agree quite heavily.
So to establish the issue, as you may expect I need to address Coin River. I’m fully aware that Coin River can give up to like 5k or more on a really good game, which is doubled on Arcade Weekends. Let’s actually address how Coin River’s payouts work, putting them into perspective with my admittedly mediocre math (I believe the numbers to be roughly true, though they may not be the most accurate representation cause I am not the brightest bulb when it comes to mathematics.)
Let’s say a poor game of Coin River on Double Ticket Weekend gives 5000, a good one gives 7,500, and a great one gives 10,000. These numbers are actually quite generous, which I think will make my point all the more strong when we see the numbers at play. I also timed my games of coin river, and they roughly took 2:30 minutes.
I’m going to use Max rank as the goal we’re working towards here. I could be wrong, but paying attention to the EXP distribution it appears to be ticket payout divided by half. So this would hypothetically mean we would have to accumulate 2,000,000 tickets to get max rank.
The formula I’ll be applying will be (((2,000,000/Expected Payout)*150)/60)/60=[Hours To Get to 2 Mil]. The idea is to divide the max rank to the expected payout to calculate how many games it would take, assuming you were to consistently get that payout. Multiplied by the average length of a Coin River game in seconds, crunching those seconds down into minutes, and then into hours.
So, assuming this is Double Ticket Weekend:
Poor Games of Coin River= 17 hours
Good Games of Coin River= 11 hours
Great Games of Coin River= 8 Hours
So, this means that it would take anywhere from 8-17 hours, being generous with the payouts, for you to max rank arcade. Now that doesn’t seem insane yet, that actually seems rather forgiving, but let’s consider the context.
You have to:
- Wait for a Double Arcade Weekend
- Only play Coin River
- Hope and pray that the 4 machines available per plaza server aren’t getting hogged up (they probably will, cause everyone has the same idea)
- Take into account refilling for tokens, as the game costs 60 tokens. Your machine WILL get stolen one way or another.
- And again, these numbers are rather generous.
Now, even assuming the numbers are doubled to account for the lack of a double ticket weekend, that time isn’t actually super unreasonable for something like max rank. You’re supposed to earn that, I agree that that part is fine. The problem lies in the fact that it takes as long as it does even with optimal conditions, and the worst part is all you’re doing is spamming the space bar. Coin River has its charm the first couple times you play it. But after the 30th time you start to feel demoralized as you’re doing the most optimal play, and all you’re doing is pressing the space bar a bunch of times. Meanwhile, there are games like Wheel of Fire(?) or Who’s Hue, where their jackpot prizes are around 1000 tickets, a number that Coin River DECIMATES, Double Tickets or not. Coin River’s very existence pretty much invalidates these games entirely. You rarely see regular visitors playing anything other than the coin games. Most of the time when you see people playing anything else, they often don’t know any better.
A lot of Tower Unite’s value, I feel for a lot of people and definitely for myself, is the fact that playing games, no matter what you’re doing, will always net you a reward. The addiction to it’s gameplay comes from having silly fun and then watching the funny rank go up, at least for me and other people I know. Believe me, I would love playing the Arcade, Planetary Piano is one of my favourite Tower Unite activities. But man does it just beat me down when I feel I am accomplishing nothing in comparison to the Drinking Bird someone left over their space bar getting over three times the amount you’re getting in the same amount of time.
My main solution isn’t to lower coin river’s payouts or to lower the cost of prizes or whatever, it’d be to raise the payouts of everything else. Make games that require technique, even of the most basic motor skills, give you SOMETHING compared to the middling 200 ticket payouts for a solid game. I understand that a lot would have to be considered to rebalance every game, but I feel like the Arcade is just far too daunting when the only way to be efficient in there is to just not have fun and submit to Coin River. No other area in TU works like this, and it’s confusing that it’s being neglected when you don’t really even have to add anything. The games are perfectly fine! They play with minimal glitches, a good number of them are genuine fun, nice recreations of arcade games and I think there is so much charm to it on paper. But if I was a dedicated player, which I am, I’m not going to enjoy playing Planetary Piano so much that it becomes not fun. As a friend once said, “you could give me the greatest burger I’ve ever had in my life, every single day, but soon enough I am going to learn to hate that burger.” Inversely, you can give me a meal with perfect calories and nutrition, but so long as it tastes like trash I’m not going to want to eat it. I fail to understand why we can’t have a balanced diet all around, where people can feel more free to eat what they want to eat. Even if Coin River were to still reign supreme, it’d be nice if the other games at least held a candle to it.