Team Fortress 2 - Yeah Toast!

Oh, that reminds me of… wait, if I post that they don’t see the first half of the video and don’t get it or I post the whole thing and they have to wait 1 minute 45 seconds for a pun that’s not even that related… nah.

Okay, that thread title… some force of the universe demands me to post this classic so here you go, Lord Cthulhu, Flying Spaghetti Monster or whoever you are:

(Sadly, the original upload was copyrighted off YouTube. Luckily, the end shows who made the video.)


Wow, cant believe I never saw this.

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Are you implying I did not watch that video? Because I did. You may notice I liked the post. :wink:

Dear god, that was hilarious. How have I never seen that? What’s the story behind that anyway. Was that guy actually singing that during a match, like the chat log leads you to believe? If so, that’s fucking hilarious.

Omfg the part with the Spy I’m dying :joy:
Glad I could remind you of something xD

ok :open_mouth:

I love this song! I may have had the French toast part as my ringtone for about 6 months now :smile:

I remember when I first saw this video. I played it over and over again.

O_O :open_mouth:

Man this is old! I still remember watching this video when it was originally up and I laughed so hard the first time I heard and saw it. Fantastic!