Super late down the line (Post Early Access) -- GMod type addon system?

I was wondering if it was possible (after Early Access and any other post-EA releases) to have a sort of all encompassing addons system, for anything your heart could desire.

With how the game is going, especially the condos and their robust building system, I could see it start to rival GMod in some aspects. I could totally see having addons that allow for nuke mods, or humvees, or any other types of weird addons people could make.

I know custom game world maps are planned, along with wearables, pets, condos, etc. I think it would be cool if there was an option to just go ham in your condo (especially smooth dirt or something like that) with random fun workshop mods.

I know Unreal’s blueprints are easier than a lot of scripting languages for people to get the hang of, so I could see stuff being made easier.

Lemme know what you think about this concept. Haven’t really fleshed it out much.

This game isn’t Garry’s Mod and I can sort of see where you’re coming from, It won’t ever rival Garry’s Mod however.
It’s not Garry’s Mod, it is Tower Unite

although this is a super cool suggestion, i will take a H E L L A long time

Yeah I don’t mean rival in the financial sense or anything I mean more along the lines of gameplay elements, eg. player customization and condo building

Yes and I feel it doesn’t rival in both financial and gameplay sense.
A rival is to imply it has a chance at being better or more popular.
Claiming another very different game as a rival based on basic things as “player customization” and “condo building” isn’t really an accurate thing.
Especially considering the better player customization isn’t even added yet to TU it just has a few things better, but most social games have those basic things. Meanwhile GMod has PAC3

Comparing Specific Gameplay elements of two different games just doesn’t make sense.

Either way I forgot to mention in my first reply that I disagree with this suggestion as TU isn’t GMod. It doesn’t need scripting and addon creation similar to GMod, because it’s not GMod. I would still love a I/O wiring system with buttons, lights, doors and other things though.