Since NPC system is going to be improved, and we will be getting more NPC types in the futures, such as ones that will be able to walk around on their own along a predefined path, I think it would be great if NPCs could also get the ability to enter full-scale drivable vehicles. They could then get the following, new AI behavior options:
- Path Follower - Follows a predefined path, much like a standard NPC
- Player Chaser - Chases player around until it is near them - Has two options: Chase forever, where it would basically never stop and you would get moved around infinitely or until you die by, for example, getting crushed into a wall a few times too many. And the other option would be the standard behavior, where the NPC does chase you down, but stops when it is next to you, in front of you or behind you. This could also be applied to regular NPCs outside of vehicles
- Player Follower - Follows player around but isn’t as aggressive as the Chaser. Has two, same options as the Chaser
- NPC Chaser - Same as Player Chaser, but it chases other NPCs around. Has same options as Player Chaser as well
- NPC Follower - Same as Player Follower but for NPCs, same options available
- Racer - Has a more advanced AI path finding, in order to be able to find the best/shortest available route from Start line to Finish line. Can also avoid obstacles on it’s way or just act dumb and bump into them endlessly. This is separate from Path Follower, since if you wanted your NPC to follow a path from Start to Finish, you would just use Path Follower
Chasers and Followers could also get their own aggressiveness slider, defining well, how aggressively they will be chasing or following you around. Although if such a slider existed, you could just make Chasers and Followers one thing in two variants (for players and NPCs). Let me known your thoughts or give this a vote if it’s something you would like to see in the game!