Suggested Proton Version?

Currently, Tower Unite is not performing as well on linux mint (with xanmod kernel) on my laptop as it did when I still was using windows 10.

Is becoming steam deck verified is still a goal (if even a distant one) with this game? So it will have to run well with steam’s own versions of proton (rather than glorious eggroll or other third-party protons), right?

So - Devs, I was wondering which version of proton are you currently developing with or using when testing Tower Unite on proton? I would like to try it myself to see how well it does on my pc.

I personally use the default, Proton Experimental.

I have not personally tested using third party protons.

The game runs on Steam Deck, and I have no issues relating to Proton on my end, and performance is comparable if not slightly better than when I was running Windows.

For context, I have a 2950x AMD Threadripper CPU, an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti using Driver 535.183.01 on Debian 12 (Kernel 6.9.7), using the Flatpak Steam.

Thank you! I am not on powerful hardware at all, but I will be trying out Proton Experimental.