Overall the price really depends of your character’s design, if you want a model from me, leave a comment here or we can talk about it on discord or steam directly, preferably on discord since I can send you files there
these all look great, shame theres no advertisement subforum.
oh lawd they comin’
Hello are you still open for commissions?
Discord is Liacaru#8470
Hi, I’m interested in a commission! My discord is Sharkiezt#8659
I’m interested. ^^ Ari-Dynamic#2657
im interested in a commission
mink mink#4820
Heya! If your commissions are still open, I’d like to put one in! If you’d like to contact me about it, my Discord handle is Vitamin C#0609. Thank you!
Would love to discuss with you a possible commission for the future if you’re still open that is!
oh yeah, redirecting this topic to the new one