Spin to Win 2 game breaking bug


Spin to Win 2 gets stuck on (Extraordinary) Drops seen with Ice Moon Condo & Random Third Party Plush.

Steps to Reproduce

All you need is to get either the Ice Moon Condo, or the Random Third Party.

What I expected to happen

Spin to Win 2 should have given the reward as shown.

What happened

You can no longer receive specific rewards for playing Spin to Win 2.
And you can no longer interact with anything, or leave the casino.

Notes / Media

The bug clears after the servers do a clean up, and the reward is not present.

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I was actually capable of replicating it again.

Steam had downtime around that time, which is why the item wasn’t being granted.

If you can, please post your Steam community page and I’ll be happy to grant you the item.

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