It’s overwhelming getting a loadout with like 20 weapons that randomizes on every life. I feel like I can never keep track of what I have, maybe bring down the range to like 6-9 weapons?
Or maybe, if we want the loadout size to stay that large, the random aspect is taken out. Though to keep things interesting, some element like map-placed weapons or buying weapons with currency acquired from kills could be fun.
Perhaps these would be cool mutators, like one where everyone starts with some money and has to buy their loadout Counter Strike style. And then they get more money from kills like usual, which could be used to buy more weapons next round.
I think setting the amount of weapons everyone has should be one of the modifiers present, imo. Don’t know exactly how the mutators work but if we could get to like, select kinda from a Smash Bros esc box of all available weapons and ban them or select in scale How big we want our loadout to be that’d be pretty grand.
through the bit of time i’ve spent playing it almost seems like the amount of weapons itself is random too. sometimes you get 1 of each slot (almost like you’re requesting) but sometimes you get just about the entire available selection. some consistency on that front would at least be nice
I second this.
Many times you’ll just have the entire arsenal dumped on you, and other times you’ll have 4 weapons.
A little bit of consistency would help, like a limit of 1 weapon per slot (exception being super weapons).
Players shouldn’t have the ability in Arcade at least to have both the super shotty and the double-barreled shotgun, doesn’t make sense.
Another suggestion as well is to have weapon pickup spots that enable during Arcade or other applicable modes. Which just give you a random weapon from the non-super weapon pool.
If this becomes a thing could we have an option to make the last section we had selected be pre-selected when we respawn? Like if I had the super shotty equipped when I died I could have the assault shotgun auto selected instead of a pistol.
Sorry to revive this old post, but if this is how it works, it still isn’t the case as of now. Sometimes you spawn with the intended amount of weapons, yes, but sometimes you get double of everything, and sometimes, just 1 one handgun.
Also, to add, If you join an ongoing game, you just have the weapon that you spawn with until you die.