Should Gamemodes be accessed from the main menu?


  • Yes
  • No
  • Indifferent
0 voters

Created this as a response to Caboose as I think this is a very controversial topic.

no bumba kerts

I’m kinda in the middle. There are several reasons for why they should and should not be accessible from the main menu.

Answered by Mac in a different post

This thread should go now

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I didn’t think of it that way, I’m happier now. It’s really great if you want to play with your friends without having to wait.

I’d prefer them to stay in the lobby myself. The reason to ignore that whole section of the game are starting to pile up. The only thing left to do is go to the Casino, everything else you can either do from the menu or in your condo…

Yeah, but you can’t experience how beautiful the Lobby looks without going there. For me, that’s a big draw.

I really don’t know how many times I would go there with just that, and I feel a lot of others would have the same mindset. Part of what makes the lobby the lobby is all the players and the interaction between them.

I didn’t get to vote, but I’m 100% against it. This removes a degree of immersion and unification between the many different outlets of the game. Lobbies WILL take a hit in popularity from this decision.


Exactly what I’m thinking. In gmod Tower everything feels very connected. More and more it seems things are getting disconnected from the world. Condos in their black magic scene bubble, online shopping, main menu games.

While most of these are still accessible in game why go to them when you can instantly access everything from one spot. Not the kind of “unite” I was expecting

i should probably reopen the vote then

If people don’t want to mess about in the Lobby, and just want to head into a Gameworld, they’ll just go straight to the Gameworld ports without talking to anyone. Forcing them to go through the Lobby won’t make them more social, and it won’t make the Lobby seem any more alive because they won’t interact with the Lobby or anyone in it. We’ll still have the Arcade and the Theatre as well, and everything on the Boardwalk too. The Lobby is designed as a social space. If people don’t want to be social, why should we force them to?

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