The Medic is the only support class in Zombie Massacre, and I’ve always wanted there to be another support option. I think the Scientist would be the perfect class to make into a more support-oriented class while still retaining their abilities’ current functions.
My concept for a support Scientist class gives them the unique ability to slow down zombies and extend ability duration, as well as being an alternate source of healing to the Medic. I’ve detailed some proposed changes below:
Black Hole
The Black Hole would still have the ability to suck in zombies and insta-kill them, but now also has a larger radius where zombies are slowed and take small damage (1 per tick, at base damage).
While zombies are in the Black Hole radius, they have a chance to drop a Quantum Cache, which has a specific effect when picked up, depending on your condition.
- (Numbers don’t have to be exact, just gives an idea of how this would work.)
- Health would be prioritized first, then skill duration, then points.
- Chance for zombies to drop a Cache would increase with your Black Hole level.
Explosive Flasks
Explosive Flasks would still damage zombies like they currently do, but hitting a player with a flask would heal them for 20HP. Flasks also leave behind lingering puddles that can slow down zombies and heal players who walk into them.
- (Numbers don’t have to be exact)
- Puddles would linger for around 2 or 3 seconds before disappearing.