Ghosts used to have a similar spawning animation to skeletons for quite a while. However at some point this feature was removed and now ghosts simply just appear instantly. While this is perhaps more of a personal gripe of mine, I would like to see the return of their spawning animation.
Currently ghosts can now just instantly appear and immediately start flinging their orbs at you. Now while this doesn’t sound terrible on the surface it can prove very frustrating to fight against as suddenly while trying to evade a horde of zombies you now have to start dodging ranged attacks with quite literally zero prior warning to such. Compared to pumpkin heads which play a sound and have a spawning animation, ghosts now only play a sound. Having both helps to give players time to prepare for an adjustment in playstyle and to immediately either prepare to confront the threat, or to avoid having them spawn on top of you entirely. It’s understandable why removing the spawning animation for other enemies is a thing or else it would be too easy to simply spawnkill everything. However ghosts should not have had their spawning animation removed as they are possibly the most annoying enemy type due their attacks having active hitboxes much longer than any other enemy, they can potentially attack from offscreen, and they go into hiding shortly after throwing a few orbs preventing immediate retaliation.
Potential other ways to change them would be to introduce a 5-10s timer before ghosts can attack. In fact this might be preferable as it would give players a window to immediately kill them before they can become a threat. Arguably this is a change that could possibly go applied to all other enemy types as well; give them a 0.5-1s delay before they can attack to prevent sucker punches where something like a vampire spawns on top of you and removes half of your HP. Another potential change would be to slightly shrink the hitboxes of their orbs, making them easier to dodge.