Return ID with the question in Json response

Hi Folks,

Just wondered if there was either a way to get the ID of the question when using the API and failing that is there any chance of getting it added?

Just for context, on the “browse” section there an ID attached to the question but on the API response there doesn’t seem to be anything related to that in the question items.

Thanks in advance!

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I think that is intentional. Perhaps they want to discourage copying of the database?

I guess it isn’t THAT open?

The ID isn’t returned in the API response because there isn’t any need for it, and there isn’t any point in sending data that isn’t relevant.

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I still think it would be useful for certain projects.
Please consider adding the possibility to add id=true to the request

How else could I check/know if you have changed/fix a question?
I can’t use the question itself because it can have the changes