Ration of chinese ppl

The only problem I see with them is if they’re breaking rules on harassment, etc. and we’re unaware because of the language barrier. I personally haven’t run into any problems with them; I’ve even played a couple of games of PvP Battle with mostly Chinese players and didn’t run into any problems. Leave them be.

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I’ve run into some Chinese players. They’re pretty sweet.

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I realize my words probably don’t mean much given I’m relatively new (about 14-15 hours in the game IIRC), but I believe I have grounds to add onto the discussion given my last playthrough of this server before last night was around September last year. There were practically NO issues regarding ridiculous ping waves on the server, nor minigame disconnects as common as they were now. So while I cannot say whether or not the Chinese invasion caused the server issues, we can definitely mark it down as plausible, given the server is unplayable at night and heavily bogged down during the day (no, that was not a joke.)

Also a friendly reminder, ping doesn’t cause any server issues. Playability is one thing, but high pings themselves aren’t any more stressful to a server than someone with a good ping

Well @Sabrina, it’s obvious you’re against the popular topic of adding a VPN / ping-checker or otherwise keeping the Chinese off a Canada-hosted server. Why not discuss your thoughts instead of hopping in mere minutes after a decent post just to disprove them?

Here’s my thoughts, GMod Tower is getting shut down in 2 months. It’s getting a surge of activity by Chinese gamers that want to play it. My opinion, let them play. I think banning VPNs is wrong on SEVERAL levels. Sure, does their high ping make it hard to play with them, yeah, it probably does. But what makes you more deserving the play the game than they do?

This whole thing will be a non-issue in 2 months anyway. I’m just sitting here correcting people, who blame the high ping for the server being bogged down, as that is completely incorrect.

If we’re going to go off the ping argument, we should probably kick off the European and Australian members as well huh? Their pings can’t be any better.

On a completely side note, and this is just my own thinking, I have a feeling, with how many times I’m seeing them refereed to as “those Chinese” that this is more an issue with people not understanding them and being irritated that there is suddenly a lot of Chinese players and people feel “overwhelmed”.


Much of this thread reeks of entitlement.
“These Chinese don’t deserve to have fun at the expense of my experience!”

Please don’t be an ass. They deserve to play as much as you do.


Can you name 10 Europeans that play the server regularly? 10 Australians? Because I can name 60-100 Chinese Steam accounts that have played last night, and probably every night last week. Like I said, 5 months ago the server wasn’t as hilariously bad in terms of hosting. Maybe it’s not the Chinese, but if it’s not a metric ton of people over-joining the server (that are nowhere near where it’s being hosted), then I’d love to hear what it is. Bad maintenance on the TU Team’s part because they’re too busy preparing their game?

I don’t need to. It doesn’t matter. Anyone should be able to play the game, and I do know for a fact several Europeans and Australians that DO play GMod Tower. You know, @PoliteWhale @Lifeless @SirParadox to name a few, and those are just the ones at the top of my head.

How about GMod being GMod? I mean, that’s the whole reason that Tower Unite is even a thing being created. GMod is slow, its buggy, its restrictive, and it’s hard to maintain. It could be a whole slew of problems, but I certainly know it’s not ping.

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If it were GMod being GMod, then why is it the server has only really started going downhill in the last few months, as opposed to constantly being laggy?

Recent popularity due to videos, people flocking back after finding out its going to be shut down soon, less attention being paid to it by the developers, etc.

You do have to consider that Server #2 was shut down last November, so Server #1 does get overloaded a lot of the time.

It’s been put back online for a little bit, which did cause some issues in the last couple days due to some of the game worlds redirecting to the wrong server.

haha no
the GMT Lobby servers have always been chugging due to the amount of content + players packed into it.

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I’m from the UK, and I play a lot of GMTower. @Sergal could stand to be less entitled. GMTower AND Tower Unite have always been about uniting the community, regardless of whom is in that community.


Basically this. This sentence has stood for as long as Tower has been around, and if anyone did their research or can reminisce to an older time, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

If you don’t know or remember, four years ago the Yogscast gentlemen played Tower and they loved it, and all their little fanboys joined the next day. They were annoying and bratty and anyone that had any head on their shoulders were absolutely irritated them at wit’s end.

But you know what? No matter how bad it got, no matter how much people hated them, and no matter how much of them there were, they had just as much right and entitlement to play as you and I did. There were people all over removing them from the server and whatnot but at the end of the day, a community driven online social game is going to have people from all walks of life with all the right to join and have as good or as bad a time as they want. Who are we to take that from them?

In the end, the kids died down after about a month and followed their cult youtubers to the next game and the ones that really loved Tower for what it is and was truly mesmerized by its beauty and magnificence stayed and contributed to the community by simply being there for other people to join and play with.

If there’s something to learn from this past experience, all that happened was that the people protesting yogskids made such a big stink that something that shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place got so staggeringly big that it made them seem like entitled pricks that just want to be known for being “veterans” and if they had kept their mouth shut the problem might have solved itself quicker.

So let’s take a lesson from our past mistakes and play with our new Chinese friends because at the end of the day, you’re a loser behind a monitor and so are they and you’re both looking for other losers to play games with.


Anyone can play GMT. High ping doesn’t put stress on the server.

Plenty has been discussed here so I’m gonna lock it.


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