Rare Item Fish: Better Incentives for Finding One

So, I’ve been starting to fish more often, and one thing I’ve noticed when I use the Curly Grub (which is about 500 units a grub) to catch Rare Item Fish is that there’s about a 60% chance of getting trash when you catch one. Personally, I don’t think this is a very good loot table for a fish you wanna wait 10+ minutes for to even see, especially considering trash’s only actual non-decor purpose is to to sold for minimal units right now.

While my personal preference is to not get Trash at all when you catch a rare fish, I have no problem having it still around, but being bumped down to about 30-10%. The Sea Dollar can also afford to be a bit more common too, perhaps 50-60% if it’s meant to be more common than the non-trash items you can get out of them. I personally wouldn’t mind the treasure items staying much the same way it is, if only to make a few of the more rarer-but-not-rarest items slightly more common.

A bigger pack of Units a pop I think would much increase the desire to specifically seek out Rare Item Fish as well, as even if you get Trash out of them, getting about 2.5K - 5K Units a pop would be a much better basic reward for sticking around or just being plain lucky enough to find one.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I kinda like the idea of Tower Unite having a recycling plant where you can get cool stuff (maybe even a few uniques!) for redeeming enough trash items! Doesn’t have to be crazy-good, but something neat for those determined enough to keep catching fish for that one rare item they want.

I think we should do more with the trash items, like you said, a recycling aspect would be really nice to clear your inventory of those items and give some units for doing it.

I can look into adjusting the rates for the rare item fish.


There should be at least one recycling-only item, too, if they do the plant.

I would like to complete the fishing book. I have already collected almost 500,000 fishing exp. The Elevator Music vinyl is still missing for me. But now I have a lot of garbage.
I like the suggestion. In current times when environmental awareness is increasing around the world, that would be a very good idea.

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