Random Events

I believe this is our most popular suggestion to date.


I got a couple.

-If the Wandering Merchant isn’t making a return, his corpse will wash up on the beach.

-A playable piano will fall on a player, instantly killing them. The piano will remain on the map for some time. (if this one hasn’t been suggested yet I’ll be surprised)


Do I get a prize?


I think we should have something that looks like the lake area in Lobby 1. If you go to where the Wandering Merchant was, he is still standing, but as a skeleton.

maybe not jumpscares, or anything too over the top (dont want the game to turn into some kind of “I came for the horror”)
but I still think we should add some. As I said in my other post, having a nagging sense of doubt and creepiness is awesome, jumpscares around every corner and nightmares? Not so much.

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All of this is very nice too, but im wondering how props like the ferris wheel and other stuff will reappear. Maybe having construction workers come out at some point and rebuild it? Because having the ferris wheel be permanently gone or anything else seems… weird.

That is why I put only 1 suggestion that could be either just plain suspenseful and eerie, or they could take it down the jumpscare path. There wont be a jumpscare around every corner, that wouldn’t be Tower Unite.

First off, may I congragulate you on making such a big suggestion topic.
Now, Here are some of my ideas…

• When going into the casino it is possible for a moment when looking to the right or left to see a group of men robbing it. With the name Oceans on their shirts.

• When in the poster area there is a chance all the posters will be slightly modfied and they will watch you. Buying a poster duing this time (30 Sec) will get you the poster.

• There is a chance that when on the beach seagull’s may swirl around you and try to steal your food. A small cubit bonus would be rewarded for the inconvinience.

• There is a chance when entering gamerooms that unused boxes will have a ally cat in the corner of them. Duing this time there is no invisible wall stopping you from getting in. If you have a fish from fishing and lure the cat in (like minecraft (I guess, sigh…)) you gain Ally Cat as a pet. There could be different color variations of the cat.

• When on the ferris wheel there is a chance that when on the top of it when looking at the ocean, you may see an elusive rob jumping in and out of the ocean with graceful dolfin movements.

• If weather is implemented when raining there is a chance you will slip or trip.

• Whenever you log on you may get the message. I feel lucky today or I feel uneasy today. These effect condo specific easter eggs. (Also, if you feel uneasy, you will trip when running in the lobby. Your jetpack will sputter out too.)

• When looking around with a metal detector you can find a aged metal. If you get all the pieces they make a statue. (this is less of a random event I guess but it would be cool)

• On TVs that arent being used, a cryptogram may play. Using blurred speech among other things. Decoding this would unlock a secret. Or item.
• When crouching and walking it is possible to suddenly become flat like a pancake during this time you can buy the pancake modifier.

• When swimming, subtle music can be heard in the background. Similar to the jaws music…

• Adding on to the one I just said when you hear this music a shark may come to eat you. If you or any other player gets eaten, the water turns a shade of red for a bit.

• At night when driving a boat, it is possible to see a haunted boat. If you bump into it, it will dissapear and you will get a ghost ship pet.

• At sunset when driving a boat it is possible to encounter a typhoon that will send you and your boat crashing on shore. (this makes it a double random event)

• If eating is implemented and donuts are added :wink: there is a chance to “Choke” on the donut hole.

• In the movie theater there is a chance that when unused various news reports may play. Explaining story wise. How the zombies came to be, what Tower Unite is, and various things like that.

• In the movie theater there is a chance that when unused a news report may play about zombies from another far away island swimming across the ocean to Tower Unite.

• When sprinting for a long time you may have stars start to go across your screen and someone saying “Activate the Hyperdrive!”. You are then wisked off to just floating in space. Until something happens to make you go back to TU… You will then get a small amount of Units for the inconvienince.

• There is a chance at night, all the NPC’s for about 1 minute will have a fnaf4 style to them. Not scary because its overdone but still messed up, freaky.

• When chatting there is a chance text will occasionally come out rainbow.
Then two seconds later it will go back to normal (so you can actually read it)

• In the condo when you join you may see someone with a mask on and holding a bag jump out of your window very quickly.

• This person will occasionally be seen in the lobby after this. If you can catch him everyone on in the lobby gets some loot and the person who captured him will get a fair bit of Units.

I’m not done yet but I have to do some stuff. I guess I will post more later.


Your mighty fine suggestions have been added.

I got a simple one.

When you load into a area (or open a door if scripting it into a load is to hard) there is a very small chance for a skyrim style load screen showing something like Rob or a TU specific thing (or even something as stupid as a table to mock the system) as well as a little piece of information and it lasts say 20-30 seconds.


Added :slight_smile:

If you suicide or something kills you, it has a small chance to display the wasted screen from GTA.

Sadly, copyright.

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Dammit. Maybe something close to it? like deaded or something :stuck_out_tongue:

2 Ideas.
When you enter the casino, it might sometimes be Flooded with Hula dolls.
On the Beach, Sometimes you can find an old Rusty Coin Which looks like a GMC from GMTower (you dont need a metal Detector)


I do like these.


Sadly, I am unable to edit my original post.

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Make a second post!

My ideas:

-A dog sitting on top of a rocket will sometimes fly above the plaza (props to you if you get that reference)
-A disembodied hand will smash (pun intended) into the plaza and shoot rockets out of it’s fingers.


When more than five players are idle near each other and all are visible to each other, 15% chance that someone will cough.


I hope that dog gives great wisdom.
And that hand better be gloved.

Will it be like the elevator source cough?