Random conversation

The next Update will be called the obligatory JohannesDau-approved revolutionary mandatory changes UpGrade and feature:

  • BOK-Mode
  • The best musical Shooter mode in Videogame History
  • BLOCKLESIES arcade game that is totally not a copyright-safe BLOCKLES ripoff without lagspikes
  • A friendly warning sign for every condo owner if their Canvases
    • don’t load via HTTPS
    • are more than 1000 in quantity or load more than 10MB in image data
      (“Slow down there champ, not everyone’s got the fibers connection, it’s only 2016…”)
  • A Goban… which I always forget to suggest whenever I’m on the forums and am not sure if I’m supposed to put it in its own thread or some Megathread.
  • Another list item no one needs in the changelog just to make it look longer, more important and full of exciting new content!