Rainy City Night [WIP] Suggestions Welcome

I am working on a rainy big city vibe apartment, kinda forced perspective. Suggestions are highly appreciated. Aiming for no use of workshop items.


Gorgeous! I like that you didn’t go with just cubes orthogonally placed in a grid, instead opting for more variety with cylindrical and diagonal buildings. It’s also nice that each building has unique coloring and patterns makes everything less same-y.

My suggestion would be to spice up the streets though. The city looks futuristic, almost cyberpunk, and yet they have boring old American street roads. I would make the street lights off-white, a muted, pale blue perhaps, like LEDs, so they fit better with the color palette. I would also make the asphalt and sidewalk slightly darker.

Overall though, really impressive! I’d love to see what this will look like when it’s done. (Also good on you for not using workshop. I’m proud of you.)

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Thank you very much for the feedback.
I will keep the suggestions in mind and definitely try them out. At the moment I’m trying to figure out a not too complicated way to make the streets and sidewalks look wet, since its pouring down. I already added two layers of floor fog, which helps.

At the moment I’m working more on the interior of the apartment for a bit. What bothers me a bit is the fact that lights shine trough canvas cubes, makes it kind of difficult to add nice lighting.

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This is a puddle texture from Half-Life 2. Put it on a decal, and set the shine to 1.0!
Decal shine make’s great “wetness”.

And yes, light bleed is a real struggle.
It’s all about planning, and using “false” lights. (basically have decorative lights that provide the aesthetic of lights, then put invisible placeable lights in special spots where it still lights the area but minimizes bleed into other rooms. Make sure cast shadows is off on them, it can be very performance intensive.)

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Thank you again, unfortunately the link to the puddle texture seems dead.

Good point with the lights, I will try that.

Edit: Figured out the link, I just needed to add “.png” to what imgur navigates to.

Looking gorgeous! I’d love to see it in-game!

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City views from apartment balcony:


Hallways and immersive elevator (teleports all players in cabin at once with fade to black effect):

Deviated from “forced perspective only” and started work on an explorable city part:

That’s it for now. Again, absolutely no workshop content except NPCs. All vanilla with use of custom textures.