Question about Gamemode Maps

How many maps will there be in Virus? And in Planet Panic?

I guess there will be 3 Virus maps: Hospital, Dessertion and Riposte

But… Is there gonna be 1 map in Planet Panic?

I am not a developer or anything, but I am almost positive that there will be more maps then just one. Planet Panic is in very early alpha and barely has any core mechanics worked out. Give it some time. Also, I think later on, after Early Access or something, there will be more new official maps for ALL the gamemodes! So, that’ll be something to be excited for.

EDIT: Also, there is at least one garunteed map in the works for Minigolf we haven’t seen yet on the detailed Google Doc roadmap. Caboose linked it below. It’s called ‘Odyssey’ and has 2 holes finished so far (as of 3/14/16).

According to the Tower Unite Roadmap, Hospital and Desertion are labelled as “Pretty Much Done”. Riposte has a high importance, so it’s unknown if that’ll be in by Early Access.

Planet Panic isn’t on the Roadmap at all at the moment.

Link to Roadmap

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Odyssey is a space map going around a couple planets in the “solar system”, but won’t be ready for early access.

Some Images of what we know about it (THESE ARE ALPHA / NOT DONE YET):

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Oh, neat! I hadn’t seen these. Thanks for showing me ; )

EDIT: Looks like a tad more than 2 holes. Maybe they’re just concepts, and 2 are set in stone? Or, maybe it just hasn’t been updated. Either way, it sure is one of the cooler lookin’ sceneries we have so far. I really want to see this map in it’s entirety, but I have a feeling I wont for a while.

I believe the idea is that there would be 3 or 4 holes per planet, or something like that.

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oh yeah, i remember this from the streams