Private Lobbies to avoid mass avatar downloads

I’ve only seen a couple of “private” or peer to peer lobby suggestions but because some people think it’s a “i hate socialising” or “i hate people” sort of thing, from what i’ve seen and what others were trying to suggest in their posts was that they didn’t want to always have to download all the avatars outside of than what them and their friends were using. i think private lobbies would also be a decent thing to add for that very same reason as well, especially since some people also think it’s easy to host dedicated servers when it’s not always the case especially since there are those, like myself, who don’t have a decent ips or have a shitty networkspeed that likes to spaz out over mass downloads. for me my netspeeds is pretty bad at 268kb up and 3mb down, so trying to use the dedicated server tool is a no go, and having this option of creating a private/invite only/friends only tower lobby seems like a way to definately appease those in a similar situation like myself who just want to only play with friends in the lobby or those who don’t want to constantly be downloading every other person’s avatar causing them to lag all to hell in a handbasket

Thing is that’s a no go due to how plazas work…

This is coming from when Plaza used to have the ability to host dedicated servers;

  • Anything that causes a transaction, won’t work.
    This goes for gaining units from games to purchasing items in shops.
  • Casino functionally doesn’t work, it cannot request RNG calls on the server that takes care of the logic.
  • Arcade just wouldn’t reward tickets.

Basically dedicated servers just cannot request calls to TU’s outside server that determines the logic for transactions, thus almost all the activites cannot be played. And if they can, wouldn’t reward anything.

It has been mentioned prior that the best possibility (one that a dev has figured would be a good decision) is the option to ghost all players, with the option to not ghost party members or friends. Which would turn them into orbs and not install or even show their 3D models. Preferably I’d like them to have their profile pictures in the orb, so you can still see who they are.

Issue is, those orbs are still players, ones that can occupy games so it’s not like doing so will free up spin 2 win in the casino, but for those who just want their friends showing, be it for social reason or perhaps performance this seems like the best choice.


As mentioned above, this just simply won’t work at all due to the many systems the plaza requires to run. As well as the fact that the plaza is primarily driven by the amount of players in it to give more of a social experience. If workshop models constantly downloading is an issue, you can turn off workshop player models via the content/workshop settings in the settings menu.

did you and amgona just skim my post and nitpick specifically the dedicated server part to just copy paste something that was intended specificaly at that term? -.- cuz i don’t think you actually understand what i mean if you didn’t. think of it like how you can make a friends only session on gta online for example, everything functions just as it would in a public lobby since it’s on the same servers, does this give you an idea of what i mean? if that kind of code can end up being applied to plazas even if it means using some units as much as 500units per person for a specified ammount of friends you wanted to have join you would likely be able to function, but atm since the recent update i can’t even take a single step into a plaza lobby without getting flooded with avatar download requests, and that eats up a lot of bandwidth causing ping to reach into the middle-mid upper triple digits, and that ghosting players does indeed sound nice but atm the game is completely unplayable for me for the lobby/plaza side because of this.

infact as of writing my recent reply all the us lobbies were close to being max population .-. even my money was bugging out from the server stress aka “offline agc” stuff

To be fair the AGC issue and money issues is due to the casino expansion release problems alone.

But ignoring that, yes a GTA V’esk system could work, but the only reason GTA V’s work is due to a instance mechanic. Private online is done through instances, those are still bound to GTA V’s servers and not peer-to-peer. These still need to call requests to a server to function, and the way GTA V’s works is in tandem for account transactions, RNG calls for casino, mission progress, etc.
Functionally it’s like automatically allocating a seperate server to a single or multiple players, which gets pretty expensive money wise, but Rockstar can afford that.

In theory TU can have such a mechanic… But would require an entire rewrite of how plaza functions due to the machines and stores themselves requiring calls to an outside server at all times.
Hell if they were to go that far, they could just simply have plaza work peer-to-peer and have transactions / machines still call request to an outside server before completing the transaction. But perhaps that could cause a security risk where transactions could be interupted and fed false positives. I don’t really know though.

I don’t see the instance thing happening though for one reason only, the price for such a thing to work fluidly.

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An alternative solution which I think has been brought up before is a setting for workshop models to only be downloaded for “Friends Only”, that way non friends just default to the default avatar and then it won’t download whatever their WS models are.

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Doesn’t help with the servers being full, but as someone who isn’t a huge fan of having a bunch of random stuff cached I’m only going to see once–I’d be a fan of that, as does it seem Mac is:

Though that next two updates thing was uhh 9 version number changes ago, so :person_shrugging: