Private Casino rooms

Looking at the new entrance to the casino I see a lot of doors that probably go nowhere, I have an idea for these to be doors to go to private casino rooms with a few card tables and non-community jackpot machines, so there are no hiding a giant jackpot behind locked doors. Make it work like the theater and karaoke where you pay so much for so much time. The only issue I could see is the minimum bet amounts. I think it could be useful for small poker night gatherings without having the sometimes hectic sound of the casino.

Wasn’t aware they changed completely remade this. Interesting, although I preferred old, more simplistic Casino entrance that we had in the past. Anyway, I do agree with the suggestion since it could be useful!

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Honestly I feel like the plaza is fragmented enough as is. You rarely see organic interaction between people who don’t already know each other unless it’s just at the fountain.


Not sure if I agree. I sometimes see (or at least used to see but that was many months back when I last played) random people walking up to each other and chatting or doing weird, funny things. You can see people joining random Arcade machines (and I even had that happen myself a few times) for playing with you, etc. Not sure what that could be, maybe something like playing at hours different than most other people or the game is just attractive for very shy/anxious people that prefer to keep to themselves. One way or another that doesn’t sound like the experience I have been having and seeing with my own two eyes across the many years of playing Tower.

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can you elaborate on this?

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