Prismatic Wheel Shouldn't Spin On Its Own

The wheel in Prismatic spins by itself even when you aren’t pressing A or D and it makes the game really frustrating to play, since the machine will usually try to fight against wherever you’re trying to rotate the maze and make it move slower. It feels really bad to control.

I’d have a lot more fun playing Prismatic if the wheel spinning on its own at least didn’t slow down your spinning, or if spinning on its own it was just removed entirely.

This is part of the challenge. If I remove it, I’ll need to redesign the challenge. One thought would be to have keys that spawn in the maze that open doors that protect the score zones, making you have to get the keys to get larger prizes.


The keys definitely sound a lot nicer, having to move the ball to a key somewhere sounds a lot more interesting than the machine constantly trying to fight against your inputs


I think the problem isn’t that it fights you, it’s the strength at which it fights you.
The wheel can spin so hard that it can entirely counteract your inputs, causing the wheel to come to a halt.
If the turning was slightly weaker it’d probably be less annoying, currently it feels like you’re on a low-ping server and your inputs aren’t being read (which isn’t the case)


this; it definitely pushes way too hard…


The rotation should be gradual instead of instant so players actually have a chance to readjust instead of having the ball smacked away from where you were aiming

IMO the control system doesn’t work for this kind of game, it was designed with fine control in mind, pressing A and D will never give you that. Plus the auto-rotation has random speeds, we can’t counteract that unless we can vary our turn speed.