Possible Platforms?

Alright, thanks, man. I’ll make that private post soon.

Okay, I have no idea how to make a private post, lol. And what are the RECOMMENDED System Requirements, so I have a general idea on what I need for my build?

To make a private post, click on your profile image on the top right, click on the envelope icon, and on the page that appears, click “New Message.”

I just sent him a message, so we’re all good. Also, for an easier way, just click the person’s name in their post and click Message.

UPDATE: I just recently puchased the Asus ROG G20AJ Tower. I am going to post the specs, and I would please like to know if it can handle TU ON THE HIGHEST QUALITY.

Model: ASUS Desktop PC G20AJ Series
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4460 CPU Quad-Core @ 3.20 GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
System Type: 64-bit Operating System (Windows 10), x64-based processor.
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 w/ 2 GB VRAM

It also has DirectX 12 installed.

So, what do you all think?

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That’ll be able to run TU. Currently if you tried it, the FPS on Plaza may be a bit low depending on your settings (I could be wrong), however they haven’t optimized it completely yet, so you’ll be able to run gameworlds easily, and possibly the plaza too really well.

You really think so? It said the recommended graphics card should have at least 3 GB of VRAM, and I only have 2.

Yes. Recommended is for highest(ish) settings at high FPS, there are no minimum settings yet, but 2gb will do you just fine. BTW, is your 750 a 750 or a 750ti?

Like CSxDeity said, recommended specs are what the developer recommends for the best experience. Minimum specs are the minimum that the game needs to even be playable at all. We don’t currently know the minimum specs for TU yet.

It is a 750.

My friend gets Solid 60 on high with a 750. You should be fine with it.

On our steam store page we detailed this.

In case you are worried about VRAM. I have 2GB VRAM myself and I have no issues. In fact the highest VRAM usage so far is around 1.2GB.

I have no plans to upgrade my VRAM, either. Tower Unite should always work on 2GB VRAM or I’ll be upset myself.

Is it possible to upgrade the Graphics Card in this computer build: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/4172743235310773271/specs?q=asus+rog+g20+aj+gtx+750&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHtJu28ejLAhWMPiYKHS-bBf8QuC8IeQ ?

I want to upgrade from the 750 to the 980. Is it possible to fit it in this small form-factor case?

This isn’t just for TU. I also plan to play GTA V Online and other games with a more advanced card.

It said on your Requirements image it needs 2GB VRAM Minimum and 3GB Recommended. Now it currently says it only needs 1GB Minimum and 2GB Recommended. I can’t tell which one is the one that states the most truth.

It also says it needs 2.4 times the amount of storage needed; from 5GB to 12GB.

The ones you’re looking at are the most recent specs. believe those.

If those are the TU specs, then yeah, they downgraded them. Mac has said that he only has a 1gb card, so it will always be able to run on that.

That’s because we found that you can run on 1GB VRAM, so we adjusted the system requirements accordingly.

The steam page is ALWAYS the most up to date.


In the nightly below, we enabled diffed builds which also decreased load time. After careful consideration, we decided these two things were really good features for the GB increase. And then we adjusted the page accordingly.