Pluck-a-Pal: FREE all Pals

In the past weeks I have been enjoying Pluck-a-Pal more than ever before, as the optimizations it received were amazing and it’s now perfect gameplay wise.

The removal of the plastic ball was one of my favourite changes as it not only looks better, but also allows to grab more pals at once, and overall makes the decision of where to drop the claw more fun and different each time.

When i read that you are putting the pals back in their plastic prisons i was incredibily disappointed because it is a step back in every aspect; moreover i was appalled in reading your excuses for this change:

  1. “[…] making them easier to get”

This is simply False.
The current cage-free experience makes choosing the right spot to drop a claw a new Feature to the machine: while it is impossible to grab a single caterpillar, it is easy to grab 4 at a time, making the game more satysfing and rewarding, but not broken. The ball system just removes all the depth to the gameplay.

  1. “but also ensures they can be dropped in the prize section without getting stuck if they are a longer plushy”

This is a partial truth, and this change is too invasive for such a trivial issue.
Some bigger pals like the Bunny could use a slight downsizing, but in most cases it’s all about spending some brain energy to understand in which angle the pal will be grabbed and dropped to try and make it fit in the win box.

In the end we have to remember what the nature of the game is: an unfair scam you want to show who’s boss to, and that’s why we love it. Like, the current system may make you lose 10 times and then grab 5 pals on the 11th try.

I hope you take this in consideration and as always I’ll take the chance to thank you for your amazing work on the game, have a nice day :100:


post scriptum: if you want to recycle the capsule system, it would be very cool to have a gacha machine that uses the same system as the pluck-a-pal but just automatically lets 1 ball fall into the win box. could use items like candy or other small items as prizes for it

I disagree. It’s been a pain to get even one if they were near the sides. And which most case the one’s I like. On top of that crane doesn’t always grab knowing the center plush should be 100% get it’s not.

It’s been frustrating to play knowing my chances to get them is 35% then 70% You might say “Skill issue” at least I can trust the crane to be fair.
the orbs returning I think they made the right call.


I made the change to put them back into the capsule because of several issues without the capsule. Some plushies are just impossible to grab unless they have changes made like scale or collision adjustments, which I could spend time doing.

But I also noticed way less players playing this game since the change to remove the capsules. The difficulty I believe is the reason, it’s very difficult to grab any of the plushies even after several tries.

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