Player Condos: Workshop Warning

It would be great to add a number of workshop items, download size or some kind of indication that a condo you are about to enter will have a dramatic number of items to download.

There are some condos that are so full of Workshop and Canvas items that brick ones PC up to 15 - 20 minutes and even when it loads you are running at a 3FPS, closing the game, tabbing out, ALT F4, CTRL ALT DEL are impossible to do with some lower end computers or for those who has slower internet speeds.

Yes PLEASE. This would be really helpful for players with low end computers. Something like this!!


That is exactly what I had in mind!

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Here’s my 20th vote for you guys.


Also lean in to this by having:-

  • More variety in canvas shapes to create things from
  • Increase the unit cost of Workshop Items
  • Adjust the loot pool for summer characters so that they don’t give them out like hotcakes so often, or at all