[PINS GIVEAWAY] The Tower Hub @ PAX West 2024

The Tower Hub: Now at PAX West!

As mentioned during Episode #10 of Tower Hub Talks, we now are preparing the second ever real-life events for everyone to partake in. Our next stop is PAX West located at the Seattle Convention Center. In the future, we’ll be looking into more Real-Life Events in the EU, OCE, MENA, and APAC regions with hopes to coordinate it with our Language Leaders in the future.

PAX West

What is PAX West?

PAX East is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought-provoking panels, a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and studios, new game demos, musical performances, tournaments, and a community experience unlike any other. No matter your preferred genre or platform, if you love games, you’ll love PAX West.

Why PAX West?

The reason why we chose PAX West is because we know you’ll be able to enjoy a great event in the case that everything goes to hell in a hand basket with our Tower Hub Event, and we had a great success doing the meetup at PAX East.

Where exactly is PAX West?

It’s actually in two buildings and not just one.
Seattle Convention Center Summit Building
900 Pine Street
Seattle, WA 98101
United States

Seattle Convention Center Arch Building
705 Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98101
United States

Attendance Form

To help us understand what we need to prepare for our event, we created a form to get an idea of what our attendance will be like. Even if you don’t plan on attending, it’s helpful for us to know who here will be joining us.

Tower Unite Pins Giveaway

To help encourage everyone to fill out the form, we’ll be hosting a giveaway for the Tower Unite pins to all those who fill out the form! You can opt out of the giveaway of course, but this is an international giveaway nonetheless.

(Big shoutouts to @Azul for helping me decide which Makeship campaign to giveaway and for helping make this possible!)

More Events: Real-Life Events

Looking to find out more information on future Real-Life Events? There’s still a role you can get from the Channels & Roles page alongside the #roles channel that will help you do just that: @Real-Life Events


  • Fill out the PAX West attendance form to enter for a chance to win a free set of Tower Unite pins
  • The form will be closing on 2024-09-02T22:00:00Z

Absolutely nowhere near this but hope y’all have fun

Happy to help! And I really hope you enjoy the event and it goes really well!

As we get closer to PAX West’s start date, there are a few things you should know about this meetup:

  1. We didn’t get selected to have the Community Room, so it’ll likely be informally outside of the room just like PAX East
  2. As more folks fill out the survey and my work schedule at the venue is figured out, I’ll be posting both here and in The Tower Hub when our official meetup date is.

Please stay tuned for more, and good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!!

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We got confirmation on where I will be working for the event, and it’s official: we’ll be outside the community rooms at Summit 435. Be there at 2024-08-31T20:00:00Z, or catch me on shift later in that same area’ :wave:

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Albeit 15 minutes late for staff reasons, we are chilling outside Sunmit room 435, until 1:45 PM PDT! Feel free to drop by, say hello, and grab some goodies while supplies last!

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Now that I’ve returned from PAX West, it is time I catch up on all things Tower Hub. Stay tuned as I will be releasing a date to reveal the winner of the giveaway later this weekend!

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Due to constraints in in time from extra work, we’ve been delaying the reveal of the winner in a time that would be most appropriate. What better way to do it than in tomorrow’s episode of Tower Hub Talks. The video revealing the winner has already been pre-recorded, so be sure you tune in LIVE from 2024-09-29T00:00:00Z2024-09-29T01:00:00Z or via the VODS on YouTube.

We’ll see you there!! :saluting_face:

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