Opt-in with GeforceNOW

Dear PixelTail Games! I am writing to you with a request for cooperation with GeforceNOW (cloud service), which would solve my problem, and possibly the problem of other people who want to play your wonderful game. I played on the GMod Tower project, after which I bought the game on the release day, but, unfortunately, my PC does not allow playing it, but I am very inspired by your game, and thanks to the service, I can play it. I think, having agreed with GeforceNOW, you will also receive an influx of online. Geforse is also currently collaborating with beta Steam Cloud service. I hope for your help, thanks! From Russia with love!

A couple weeks ago, we submitted an application to put our game on the GeForce Now service. We are just waiting for NVidia to approve it.


The amount of times I see this come up holy moley


Thank you for reply!

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