Nightmare Creation

Hey guys so i just came up with a new game called Nightmare Creation

Basically you must photoshop the picture that i will post here and make it look like a nightmare
But with team work you will add something to the picture you will post it here and the other user will download that picture and add
something new and post it here again and this will go for ever basically you will get the latest photo from the comments and add something on it

Rules: You can’t edit what the other users added to the picture or cover what they added,you can add only 1 thing per post

What you can do:Post how many times you want,change the color from the picture,add background, put that image somewhere as some background or TV screen in some other picture, then keep editing that one.add what ever you want


So basically like Edit the Image Above from Facepunch Creationism Corner? :laughing:
Well why not. Are we allowed to put that image somewhere as some background or TV screen in some other picture, then keep editing that one? The picture will get super full if we will never do this.

yep you are allowed to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

Your move, gentlemen.


That’s not a nightmare, that’s a sweet beautiful dream :new_moon_with_face:


I mean, you already won when you posted your first picture

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Moon on drugs



Aw come on guys, you already switched so quickly?

sorry xd


I think you forgot to crop out white parts around the picture in Paint.


Small change, I know,

But isn’t that scary?


Its small but creepy nice job :dancer:

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I tried to give it a little bit of an ethereal effect.


Very cool

This is also already a thing here, too.

A significant difference in my mind between these threads is that the Masterpiece thread can go in any direction, whereas this thread is supposed to end up with something scary or comedic horror-based. So having separate threads is alright, I think.