New thing to add to arcade or other places. Pinball!

Still here? Okay. We need pinball machines!
I’m sure this one would be a neat thing to have on arcade. Some good ol’ arcade games like that!
I know it was suggested in some other ways years back but I think they would fit just fine in the arcade.

Pinball is on the Trello for Arcade Phase 3.

Also going to attach this just because I really like Cabooses take about Coloracle.



On the subject of development, I’d recommend checking out Visual Pinball, a FOSS 3D pinball engine with many user-made tables, both original and replicas of existing ones, to get a feel of what works on table design as well as prototyping. You could even use the .vpx format to enable uploading custom pinball machines to the Workshop.

There’s also Future Pinball but that project has been abandoned long ago, even though it still gets tables made for it.