
Yeah! You’re right this needs to stop.

But the number of posts isn’t gold :frowning:

This quite frankly just does not fit into the Tower Unite formula in any way. It’s meant to be a fun community centered game, not a sandbox survival game.

Would needs system turn TU into survival game?
Survival game is when we’re in wilderness, where we don’t have food shops, or anything. And in survival game we can die.

Ii’s what TU needs, needs.

I like the idea. But it’s way too early to suggest something like that. The devs are busy fixing all the nasty bugs so they don’t care about feature suggestions at all.

Later, maybe in end of early access they will put it in game. That would be nice.

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Please no, this is the worst idea I’ve ever heard of.


Debuffs or needs would probably turn players away because 50% of the time is playing games while the other 50% would be used to take care of said needs. (Also, I have 36 hours in this game already its [probably] not an addiction)

TBH, If this is added in TU, lots of player will leave this game


As I said before, this would work much better as a mod for unranked Tower Unite servers. :neutral_face: