Hi Tower unite dev team! I was wondering why the flower{added about 9k+) is really unoptimized but it seems like the grass (added 6k) is very optimized, i was wondering if there is a way to optimized by myself any chance dev team?
Also, when i am behind a building it seems like the items dissappears to further optimize but it doesn’t really bring the fps up unless you look into a blank space.
I was wondering if you tried using the bushier flowers so that there were not so many. You can recolor them, and they will show up more densely. Also, there is a variation of the grass that covers more area which would reduce how many actual grass items you are using. These are the usual ways to reduce the fps load. Reaching 15k items with just grass and flowers is kind of extreme in my experience.
The problem is that,i had tried to use other flowers and grass but never achieve the same image with the art i have been trying to make unless i used these flowers. The problem i have is not with the grass but these specific flowers because i can take 6k grass but can’t handle 9k flowers and also my specs are below:
I even tried covering the 9k flowers with other canvas to very little succession since it only brings up to 5 more fps, so basicly from 14fps(uncovered) to 19fps(covered)
I know tower unite need to limit our fps for server host but when i tried to build its very bizzare as i can’t optimize them myself T^T
culling does work but maybe because ue4 can’t cull so many items at once?