My Highrise's New Theater

Hey all,

It’s been a long time since I’ve made a condo showcase post. I’ve still been working on my Highrise condo the most over the months and years and it’ll still be a long time yet til I’m ready for a full showcase post on the whole condo and its changes since 2018 but until then here’s my latest remodel in Highrise and my new favorite build!


This build replaces the old ‘theater’ I had set up in the room that by default is Highrise’s pool room. I always felt this pool was unsatisfactory (mostly due to the off-center skylight) so I used the large space for a theater (and eventually built a new pool on the roof!) I’d say when comparing the old with the new the old theater was barely a build at all, mostly just a square room with seats and a big screen in it. This remodel is, however, truly a proper theater!

This project added around 1000 items to my Highrise’s item count, but I’m sure you’ll agree it was worth it!


The lobby has a custom entrance from the small hall up the stairs, across from the large room. Custom carpet paths are placed over the tile floor. The most prominent feature here is the theater marquee above. The sign’s glow, marquee lights, neon, other lights, and even the starry ceiling can be turned on and off with hidden switches. I put in custom shelves on one of the walls to house the theater trophies, and had enough room left over to add some others.


No theater is complete without snacks! The concessions area features multiple custom canvas-built appliances: the boxes for pizza, pretzels, & fries, as well as an icee machine, deep fryers, and a hot dog roller. Besides the deep fryers, I took inspiration for these appliance designs from Outsmoke’s theater condo and thought it would be nice to make my own. There’s also candy, chips, cookies, and other treats.

Also as a note, the blue lights & caustics inside concessions are not part of the build, but are Highrise’s default pool lights. They can’t be edited or disabled, so I’m instead hoping a future update changes & fixes that issue.


The theater itself is accessed from either side of concessions, through a short hall. The auditorium here looks bigger than the original room’s size would imply, and that’s because it is! I made the back wall of the room invisible and expanded it, adding a stage under the screen. There’s enough seating within for 33 people.
When the media player is running, a light beam effect shines from the hole in the wall where the projection room is. The stage’s curtain can be opened and closed via a lever in the projection room. There’s also a switch to enable the house lights to brighten up the room for cleanup.
There’s a few other light sources in the pool room that I can’t disable, so the room itself isn’t as dark as I’d like, but I made it as dark as possible using a sky volume.


Up the steps in the theater there are two doors. One leads to this small restroom with three toilets and a supply closet in the stall farthest to the left.

Projection Room

The last room in this project is the projection room, where the projector is housed. When I was looking up references I discovered most projection rooms have a cooling vent hooked up directly to the movie projector, so I did that here. Using Highrise’s existing skylight, I made an expansion area above the room that acts as open rafters with pipes and vents in it, and connected the projector up to the vent. There’s tiny canvas details here for the supports holding up this vent. There’s additional tiny canvas details used to make the power cable that connects the projector to a wall outlet.
Besides the projector itself there’s cabinets for storing movie reels, a maintenance closet, and a basic staff area with seating and a minifridge and microwave. A ladder is hung on the wall for accessing the hole in the ceiling.

Unfortunately due to what I assume is a bug, the movie projector item cannot mirror media properly to other media players, so for now it is mostly for show. If that ever gets fixed then it will be where the media queue shows up for the big screen itself.

If you made it this far, thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to look at my build. If you see my condo online in-game, feel free to come check it out and the rest of my Highrise :slightly_smiling_face: