So, this may be kind of lame to you guys, especially for all you pro blender users and 3d modelers out there. but for me, this is AWESOME.
I have been watching video tutorials on blender for the past month, self training. After I finished the series, I was ready to go off on my own, move out of the videos, little did I know, how much of a stress ball my head would become. I spent the next week and a half, trying so hard, and so frustratingly, to get this right. After what felt like ages of working, I hit f12 to render it for about the 100th time. My heart skipped a beat, I felt A LOT of adrenaline. I felt SO happy, it literally felt like I was out of breath, I was light headed. Now, this may seem lame, especially when you see my crappy little rendered image. But for me, this is a BIG deal, I spent SO long, messing up SO many times. Spending time figuring out what was fucked for SO much time. I learned A LOT when doing this! I guess you really do learn from your mistakes, anyways, here’s the picture.