Music Thread

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I’m in love this song right now.

Edit: just to edit

And also these Nektar albums

  • Journey to the Centre of the Eye
  • Recycled
  • …Sounds Like This
  • A Tab in the Ocean
  • Down to Earth

I like nektar ok
also spoilers Recycled is the best one

Yarr. There be not enough pirate metal in this thread.

EDIT: Whoops, sorry I just realized I revived a month old thread :pensive:


(got to keep it going somehow, matey!)

Heh, Alestorm actually covered that song.

Let’s keep the pirate jokes low, this isnt the pirate thread!

(im listening to this albulm btw)

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(yes, the barenaked ladies STILL make music)

oh and also
Im a big DBZ fan, and for some reason, I love listening to the DBZ Kai opening music. Give it a listen.

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S3RL babyyyyy

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This is also such a good song and music video

That instantly made me think of this.

Splatoon isn’t an addiction it is a lifestyle.

I have that song on my ipod (Above). Heres more splatoon.