Music & Media Organization Suggestions

One of my favorite things in my condo is my music collection. It’s made of Physics-al Media objects resized to (1.35, 0.9, 0.1) to mimic a vinyl canvas. You can take one and throw it at the nearby Nightclub Media Player Panel and start groovin’. Took a while to set up, so I have some quality of life suggestions.

(btw physics-al medias render funny from a distance when squished on the z axis but what im about to propose will make this a non-issue.)

I know there’s a style for the Physics-al Media that is a CD, but I’d like to see the two other styles from the Disc Jewelcase object as styles, as well as a Vinyl Canvas style and a Vinyl Canvas alternate style that is just the cover for people who just wanna be lazy and paste the album cover URL.

Second, I’d like it if when fed a https:/// URL, it puts the album cover on the canvas and makes the label become “[SONG] - [ARTIST]”. See the collapsible menu for a technical summary on how to get this information.

Technical summary on how to get YouTube Music video data

Send a POST request to

In the Header, put…

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: "[insert YouTube Data API v3 key here]"

YouTube api keys are free to make and use if TU isn’t already using one.

In the Body, put…

  "videoId": "[video id goes here]",
  "context": {
    "client": {
      "clientName": "WEB_REMIX",
      "clientVersion": "0.1"

All the information you really need in the JSON response can be found in:

Then from there it’s just:

Song Title: thatCrap["title"]["runs"][0]["text"]
Artist Name: thatCrap["longBylineText"]["runs"][0]["text"]
Thumbnail: thatCrap["thumbnail"]["thumbnails"][5]["url"]

Here’s an example of a thumbnail URL just in case.

Lastly, I’d like to see the record shelf get a function similar to the upcoming Media Organization Shelf.

thanks 4 reading :slight_smile:

Ohhh this would be a game changer. Is this on the horizon?