Multiple Condos, One Map (Manual Loading/Bypassing Wonky Snapshot Loading)

WARNING: Only do this while the game is completely closed & not running.

This is the method for bypassing loading snap shots while in another snap shot, or resetting a condo. This isn’t a big deal to most players, but the bigger your condo gets, the more likely either of the two will just lock your game up.

You’ll first need to locate your Condo folder.
Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ …\394690\remote\Condos
(It is wise to backup this folder in case you make a mistake)

The folder will look like this:


Each of these sub-folders represents one of your owned condos. We’re going to use the Smooth Dirt map (C_SmoothDirt) as the example. Inside that folder you’ll see something like this:

In the above picture, each folder inside \C_SmoothDirt is a snapshot of the condo that has been saved. The CondoData file at the bottom is the current file that will be read when I load my Smooth Dirt condo in the game. Make note of this file, it will be referred to as the “Prime CondoData File” in this guide.

Each of theses snapshot folders contains a separate single CondoData file. This CondoData file is the condo information for that specific snapshot of the condo:

So for example, in my case “\C_SmoothDirt\Flashback Arcade [NEWEST BUILD]” contains my most up to date version of my arcade, and “\C_SmoothDirt]\Flashback Cineplex [NORMAL]” contains my Cinema condo build.

The process once you know how the folder systems work is a rather simple copy & pasting of files, and only changes base on one thing, if you’ve changed ANYTHING in your current condo. I will detail both in the example below.

In the example below, I’m currently running my Cinema Condo (Prime CondoData), and will be changing to my Arcade condo.

Step 1: Save the current condo.

If it’s a brand new build version, i simply save a new snapshot before quitting.

If it’s an edit on an existing snapshot, I copy the Prime CondoData file to the snapshot folder (The folder for the Cinema).

If I load a snapshot, then decide to change snapshots, but haven’t edited anything, I take no action on step 1 as the Prime and snapshot CondoData files will still be identical for the current loaded condo.

Step 2: Close Game & Pre-load the new snapshop CondoData.

Next, since I’m loading my arcade, I go to my “\C_SmoothDirt\Flashback Arcade [NEWEST BUILD]” folder and copy that snapshot CondoData, then paste it in the main “\C_SmoothDirt” folder, overwriting the old Prime CondoData file.

Step 3: Run Tower Unite.

Now when I load Smooth Dirt, the Arcade is loaded instead of the Cinema.

NOTE: The Prime CondoData file in your \C_{condo}" folder is always the file the game will play for that condo. Changing snapshots manually without backing up the current file will result in loss of any changes made from the time it was loaded until the change, and possible complete condo loss if it never had a snapshot of it saved to begin with. Exercise extreme focus and care when using this method.


Neat idea/guide!

One neat thing that you could try playing around with (I’ve thought about it but I’m not creative enough for condo building) is making a git repo in the Condo save directory and using branches to store each individual CondoData.

IE Flashback Amusement Park and New Cineplex each have their own branch that just contains the CondoData. You could also use git tag’s to tag certain versions (like your normal/newest build version 34343).

git checkout flashback_amusement_park

would simply just swapout the CondoData.

Though, this is all just spitballing, I have no idea if Steam gets angry if you make a git repo inside of the saves folder, but you could also save your progress by making commits periodically.

This whole thing also has your caveat of having to close the game as well (or potentially the Main Menu). Also…assumes you know how to use git, which now that I’ve written this entire thing…don’t think that the average person would…ah well.


Doing it while game running at all will fuck it up, and the condo will load empty until you restart the game.

This is my biggest complaint when I’m making use of save editing tools.

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