Moving multiple movered items

This is not an official guide I just responded to someone to help them in the condo hub and thought this information might help others. I will maybe try to clean this up later but for now here is the information on making one movered item move other items that are on movers such as a plane/ car/animal/robot ect.

THIS IS HOW I USUALLY DO THINGS TO AVOID PROBLEMS. Though I still encounter them this usually works very well. Its a method of doing things I have been using now after lots of trial and error since the introduction of movers.

If you haven’t made anything with a mover that carries other movers before it can be frustrating and time consuming and just not work right. Especially if the mover is moving a faster speed or is set to a spin state.

The number one thing I can tell you is to look at Macs Carousel as your base idea.
Click movers on the left hand column ,scroll down to the word in bold letters “Carousel” here he discusses how to make a single mover make other items on movers move.
Review the movers guide here in that link as you read up in the event you’re not familiar with the various movers. It helps to know that information first.

This will help you understand how in order to make other movers move on a mover you need a BASE. For anything you want to move my advice is to place down a cylinder because it slaps directly straight up and down giving you a true up and down.

Give it some texture like Misc Building and increase the size so you get a very good indication of what N,S,E,W Cardinal directions are… In theory. It doesn,t have to be your true north or even North but it needs to give you a true FACE heading.

Once you have done this and tell each side of the movers face. Attach that cylinder to a mover. See what happens to the movers orientation… See which direction the face of the cylinder is facing when its attached. That direction is the direction of which you will face your movered object be it a car/plane/animal ect.

Doing this will give you a very good solid base for the movered item and prevent you trying to attach a mover to a titled canvas object… that sometimes will totally change the orientation of the movered item when its attached to the mover for the first time thus any alignments of the track and use of direction command will not work properly for you.

Once you have this solid base for your movered item using the cyldiner and have the cylinder facing the direction you want go and move the item you want to be movered over to the cylinder. Then GROUP YOUR GROUPED ITEM TO THE BASE… NOT THE BASE TO THE ITEM. GROUP TO THE BASE.

Once you have this. Then you can start to add other movered items into the group.

So if you have an arm/leg/ door that you want to move or pivot separately that is still in or part of the main group you used the cylinder for the base of… Go and remove those parts you want to move from that main group. then attach them to their own movers… Now that you have this done… GROUP YOUR MOVERS FOR THOSE ARMS LEGS ECT TO THAT (BASE MOVER). And do not group any part that is to move into the main group only group its mover TO THAT BASE cylinder item you have orientated as your base.

Then connect the items you want to have moving to their movers you GROUPED to the base. THEN LAST Connect your BASE CYLINDER to its mover. Then you should have all parts that are meant to move moving freely while the base mover does the traveling.

Your bases mover will mover the whole creation while the other movers will mover the parts. If you do this right it will work and you can leave it connected.


Lastly I ran into this issue with my planes. Sometimes items will mover on the selected axis you wanted them to but while moving on other movers will also move on axises you do not set them to mover on. To overcome this to take whatever part is giving you too much trouble that you wanted to mover and make a sort of animation with it using show/ hide all its pieces by copying the group of item and manually tilting the group into the angle you wanted them giving the illusion they actually mover when in reality you have two of the item one that appears in one state at start and disappears when the one that is the motion and is tilted appears giving a stop animation sort of motion. Its kinda wack but its a workaround .

I’m gonna repost this on the forums as a guide to help others. And link to it to get rid of all this text in condo hub.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps people make things mover with a bit less frustration. This preparation of the cylinder base will save you alot of time.