Mover: "Spin Rate" replaced by "Spin Duration"

I’m finding it very difficult to create timings for the spinning of an object. It would feel more intuitive if movers spin rate was instead replaced by a “duration” that would be how many seconds it would take to make a full rotation.

It would also allow us to make rotations that are considerably slower.

Approach Duration is being added the next time he updates movers.

approach duration is not the same thing.

approach duration is (i am assuming) the duration of the easing animation, not the whole animation itself, which would only really apply to a RotateTo. I’m talking about the “Spin Rate setting” which seems to work on the idea that 1.0 is 1 rotation per second, 0.1 is a rotation every 10 seconds, 2 is 2 rotations a second, etc. You basically divide the number by 60 to get what you want.

It makes sense, but is really unintuitive especially in instances where precise timing is important, for example 0.125 gets rounded to 0.13.

I think it would be easier to understand for many if there was a version wherein the slider represents “Spin Duration”, or, how many seconds does it take for the object to make a full rotation. 1.0 is 1 second per rotation, 12.5 is 12.5 seconds per rotation, 356.66 is 356.66 seconds per rotation, etc.


Approach is part of spin rate.

Approach Duration will = amount of time betwen current spin rate and Approach Spin Rate.