More billiard variants

maybe player may select which variant to play prior to start
as experienced in the singleplayer 8-ball pool, there is something i wish that would become a thing.

9-ball pool, generally ends when the 9-ball pockets.

straight pool, the game ends when someone reaches a set point (probably could go endless for the people who can literally run 100+ balls continuously).

The Rules of 9-BALL POO

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I wanna support this idea but something different. Since the tables in the arcade and nightclub are both very different looking, I figured it would make sense to have the nightclub pool tables more like English Pool tables by making the pockets and cushion different and the balls reds and yellows.

I think this would be a cool thing to see because I will probably never play English Pool irl since I am in the US and it would be interesting to play it. The URL below me explains the differences between American Pool and English Pool.

As a Brit, it’s also worth mentioning that English pool employs different rules

Eg. Hitting anything but one of your own balls constitutes a foul - the opponent gets to take 2 shots


would be an idea too.

Oof. No thanks.

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One of the fun things on researching English Pool was seeing different rules. I am up to giving it a shot.


I never realised that the US doesn’t play it this way, explains why everyone I played with was so confused about the lack of foul balls/2 shots system on the EU servers.

Yeah, makes it more challenging. But it’s something that I’m used to.

I enjoy english pool more, which makes sense since I’m from the UK. I’d like to see an screen before starting that lets you choose which version you want.