Mock Transfer

This is something I’d suggest to implement on the last versions of the Alpha. As most of you know, your GMT data will be able to be transferred over to TU. This will be a one-time conversion when you get onto TU after its Early Access release mid-2016. I don’t know what could go wrong with the conversion and I would assume that the answer would be “nothing” considering the talented devs we have working on the project, but I always like to err on the side of caution.

So here’s my idea: on the last versions of the Alpha, implement a sort of “mock transfer” that tests out how the transfer will work and will let the devs iron out any possible wrinkles with the process. This way we won’t end up with another style of the condo reset bug, even if it is highly unlikely.

What do you guys think?

  • This is a necessity!
  • This is probably a good idea.
  • I don’t think it’s necessary, but it wouldn’t hurt to have it.
  • This isn’t really needed.
  • This is a waste of the devs’ time!

0 voters

I like this idea a lot. I lost my playable piano and some other stuff in the conversion to Lobby 2 so it would be nice to test out the transfer system and fix any problems before you transfer your items for good.

This sounds like a good idea in theory, but is there any documentation on Valve’s side about developers removing items from User’s Inventory? Assuming the test goes well, wouldn’t the devs want to wipe the inventories and start over when it actually is time for Early Access? Or perhaps some things transfer over and some things don’t, you don’t want to create some dupe bug.

However, I’m sure this problem can be tested locally on the Dev’s side, without really needing a public test. I still think it might be a good idea, but the practicality of it has yet to be determined.

We will have a test for this for sure.


That’s reassuring! I suppose this topic isn’t really necessary since you guys seem to have it under control. :smile:

I could be misreading this part, but Valve does not currently control GMT inventory, it’s kept on GMT servers. I’m also sure that in the Alpha, it would just be sort of a demo that would show what the conversion would look like to the user and just use the GMT inventory for that user as a base, without actually editing anything.

Considering that Tower Unite’s inventory system is using Steam Inventory, it would be more complicated. I was never talking about GMT inventory, I was talking about cleaning the steam inventories of users during the Mock Transfer.